for the kids
To accept Jesus as their savior, be baptized, filled with the Holy Spirit, and equipped to fulfill the purpose God has for their lives.
for the ministry
To reach kids and their families with the love of God, the hope of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit
for the LFA KIDS team
To build a strong, unified and effective team equipped to minister to the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of children, birth through fifth grade
Sunday mornings there is Sunday school for all ages at 9am until 945 when they are released to junior church and LFA kids church starting at 10:05.
Pre-K - 2nd Grade // Room 301
Grades 3-4 // Room 304 with Susan Love
Grades 5-8 // Room 302 with Jason Mettler
Wednesday nights LFA KIDS girls and boys experience a discipleship program that is top notch! From ages three to five, boys and girls alike are a part of the Rainbows class where learning about God and the animals he created teach us we are all helpers. Students earn badges by attendance and Bible memorization. It is truly the coolest class on campus!
Boys are plugged into a program called Royal Rangers. In this environment men begin to mentor young men teaching life skills like how to tie knots, properly use a knife, first aid, and so much more! Through learning God’s Word boys leave this program young men ready to move to the next level in Christ and with skills they will use for a lifetime. The boys earn merits and even experience a campout as a right of passage.
Girls are mentored in a program called Missionettes. This program is designed to teach girls how to become the women God intends them to be. Cooking, music, and creation, are just a small sampling of the merits the girls will earn as they make their way through this curriculum. Life lessons accompany Biblical truth as girls giggle their way through Wednesday nights.
Nursery is available for kids 0-2 years old during Sunday morning services and classes. We also have nursery available during Wednesday night programming and classes. Children will need to be signed in at the check-in counter in the nursery.
From birth to preschool, we welcome children to encounter a loving God that has a plan for even the youngest lives! Children are nurtured and engaged through age appropriate stories, songs, art and music. In our nursery kids will learn that Jesus wants to be their best friend, that they are unique and special, and that they are loved beyond measure. We recognize the foundation that the nursery can provide for all children and believe it is crucial to the spiritual growth of our children.
Each month children are given small bits of God’s Word they can understand and apply at their appropriate age level. We use TrueFire curriculum and encourage them to express their love for God in their own ways!
Children will need to be signed in by a parent at the check-in counter upstairs. As you pick up your child from class, the teacher will help with your child's belongings, art work and take home page. Jr Kids is available for ages 3-5.
LFA Junior Kids is a place for four and five year olds to grow in an exciting and entertaining environment. On top of incredible Biblical lessons, inLFA KIDS., we begin teaching the importance of missions. Each Sunday kids are invited to learn about a missionary, missions project, as well as engage in a fun and age appropriate lesson.
At ages four and five curiosity is growing and fine motor skills are being refined. In this class students will take their knowledge of Jesus and his love to a deeper level and begin to understand that they each play a major role in God’s kingdom.
Our volunteers are prepared to teach this age group each Sunday morning during the 10 am service. Kids learn through hands on games, captivating stories, Bible memorization and much more! We use TrueFire curriculum as well as the BGMC missions curriculum. Each volunteer submits to a national and statewide background check and has ample assistance in the classroom.